You’re invited to join one of the world’s only multi-sectoral stakeholder-driven organizations that’s actively addressing Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience.
Why Join ARISE-US?
You’ll become part of a highly experienced, motivated and engaged community that includes stakeholders
from private and public sectors, academia federal, state & local government, and NGOs. Your company will also benefit from market oversight.
With a unique capacity to develop tools and resources in line with ARISE priority areas, U.S. Network Members volunteer in a highly collaborative environment where they recommend, initiate, lead, engage in, and help develop needed knowledge, tools and solutions.
Member companies have an opportunity to grow and magnify their influence in disaster risk reduction,
resilience, sustainability and climate change goals by contributing to and tapping into ARISE-U.S., its partners and sister ARISE Networks around the world.
ARISE-U.S. is open to:
All private sector companies, other stakeholders and private sector networks independent from sector, company size or revenue;
Institutions of Higher Education and Not-for-Profit Organizations join as Associate Members; and
Government agencies at the Federal, State and Local levels can be invited to join ARISE as Strategic Alliance Partners.
Exceptions to eligibility include those:
Subject to a UN sanction;
listed on the UN Ineligible Vendors List for ethical reasons;
derive revenue from controversial weapons, or derive revenue from the production and/or manufacturing of tobacco. See Terms of Reference, Section V. Working Modalities for more specifics.
Although there are no fees to join, ARISE-U.S. Members are expected to:
Actively engage in projects and initiatives to advance the Sendai Framework.
Voluntarily collaborate and contribute knowledge, advice, resources, and experience.
Actively attend and participate in monthly Member web calls, and attend (in person or virtually), ARISE Regional and Global Platform meetings, as possible.
Membership Process
In addition to exploring this website, visit the Global ARISE website to learn more about the organization, its governance, members and their work.
If you have questions, connect with the ARISE-U.S. Network and state your interest in joining by contacting us here.
Those with the U.S. Government, must contact ARISE-U.S. to learn more about joining as a Strategic Alliance Partner. The application processes somewhat differ from what follows
Familiarize yourself with the Sendai Framework and the ARISE priority areas.
Consider those within your organization who could benefit from engaging with ARISE and who
might serve as your organization’s Lead (Representative)
Consider where your organization most intersects with ARISE (we can help you identify this during the Explore step above).
Visit the Global ARISE website, select JOIN and review the application steps. If you haven’t already obtained the Commitment Statement, you can download it here.
Ensure you are or have enlisted someone with the authority to join ARISE and serve have selected
your Lead (Representative). These can be the same or different.Sign and review the Commitment Statement with your team & collect your company details and
Proof of Legal Registration (PoR)
The application vetting and approval process can take up to 8 weeks.
Upon approval you will receive a welcome letter from the UNDRR Office of the Americas and the Caribbean
Complete the application here, attaching the Commitment Statement and the PoR.
Notify the ARISE-U.S. Network to let them know you have submitted your application.
Benefits of Joining the ARISE US Network
ARISE is the private sector alliance for disaster resilient societies. It falls under the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction. Some of the benefits of joining ARISE US include, but are not limited to:
Business Development: ARISE creates a platform for members to work with and sell to governments and new businesses centered around disaster resilience. ARISE members stand a chance to attract more business through their association with a network that values and promotes disaster resilience. This can lead to increased visibility, credibility, and business opportunities within and beyond the network.
Involvement in DRR: Membership in ARISE US serves as a catalyst for activating the commercial sector's involvement in disaster resilience. Businesses can play a crucial role in creating a resilient society by leveraging their expertise, resources, and influence.
Risk-Informed Decision-Making: ARISE empowers its members to make informed decisions by providing access to resources and insights that promote a comprehensive understanding of disaster risk. Through this knowledge, businesses can formulate effective strategies that not only mitigate risks but also enhance overall business resilience in the face of disasters and protect the communities they serve.
Networking Opportunities: Joining ARISE US means becoming part of a network of like-minded individuals and organizations committed to disaster resilience. This network opens doors to valuable connections, collaborations, and partnerships that can further enhance a member's impact and reach. ARISE provides a platform for members to share best practices, experiences, and expertise.
Capacity Development: ARISE-US members are committed to constantly learning by doing together. Members can participate in the ARISE-US Mentorship Program two times a year to contribute to growing equitable capacities for disaster resilience. Our mentorship program is committed to training students, early career, and emerging and transitioning professionals in private sector-led disaster risk reduction practices. Members demonstrate leadership in cooperation with public and private sector partners.
United Nations Affiliation: Being part of the ARISE network means being directly connected to the UN network. Members gain access to up-to-date information, global insights, and collaborative opportunities that stem from being affiliated with the UN.
Thought-Leadership and Tools Development: ARISE offers tools such as scorecards to assess and evaluate a members and communities’ performance in disaster resilience initiatives. This not only provides valuable feedback but also helps in benchmarking against industry standards, fostering continuous improvement - and supports the creation of new products and services.
Joining the ARISE US network is a strategic move for businesses looking to actively contribute to building disaster-resilient societies, gaining access to invaluable resources, and positioning themselves as leaders in the field.

Get In Touch
To learn more about ARISE and the ARISE-U.S. Network and to explore the benefits of becoming an ARISE Member or Strategic Alliance Partner, please fill out the contact us page.