ARISE US Social Equity Fundamentals
Area Overview
It is now well-established that disasters have a disproportionate impact on socially and historically marginalized populations, including Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC), rural, and low-income communities. In the United States, marginalized communities are more likely to live in areas that are vulnerable to climate change impacts. The ARISE-US network is committed to reduce systemic barriers to disaster resilience and increase opportunities for a sustainable and resilient future for all.
Board Co-Leader- Camila Tapias
Camila Tapias currently serves as the Communications Director for the ARISE-US Board. She serves as a technical advisor on programmatic design, implementation, and communication with project stakeholders. She also co-leads the equity program area. Camila is a community leader focused on leveraging public-private partnerships, building national and international strategies to increase local capacity for disaster risk reduction, and prioritizing data and science to achieve more equitable outcomes in disaster preparedness. She has a Master’s in Public Administration and Crisis and Emergency Management from The George Washington University. At SPIN Global, she leads the Business and Industry practice Area and the International Practice Area.
She is originally from Bogotá, Colombia. Prior to entering the disaster risk reduction and whole community resilience sphere, Camila was the captain of The George Washington University Division 1 Women's Basketball team. She also played 9 years for the Colombian Women's basketball National team.
Board Co-Leader Dr. Shefali Juneja Lakhina
Dr. Shefali Juneja Lakhina is the co-founder of Wonder Labs, a climate justice-focused think-and-do-tank based in California. Since 2005, she has delivered a range of innovations in disaster resilience policy, programs, and research across South Asia, the Middle East and North Africa, South-East Europe, Australia, and the United States. As ARISE-US Director-at-Large, she will lead on capacity development initiatives and is co-lead on equity.
Developing events, discussions, and projects that will connect equity and DRR to further advance the Sendai Framework (2015-2030).
Policy Development
Developing and/or supporting policies and programs that contribute to equitable outcomes in member operations and work.
Social Media
Using social media and outreach efforts to elevate the voices of historically disadvantaged, underrepresented, and underserved peoples.
Centering Equity
Helping others to understand the need and benefits for centering equity in their DRR work.

Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!
What we Need
Coming Soon
ARISE-US Mentorship Program. If you are a prospective mentee, please use the QR code to access the intake form.
Tools and References
Finance-enabled Solutions for Equitable Disaster Resilience | Building Resilience for All Rather than Avoiding Risk for Some
What is the Role of the Finance Sector in Reducing Poverty through Disaster Resilience Finance?
It is now well-established that disasters have a disproportionate impact on socially and historically marginalized populations.
This symposium will focus on what incentives and structures can best help attract private sector capital to equitable disaster resilience finance.
It will highlight specific cases and initiatives that create equity in disaster resilience finance and will feature leaders from the Caribbean, Asia and the US.
Disaster Dash 2023
The annual Disaster Dash aims to enable underrepresented groups to be a part of the disaster resilience sector, enhancing all of our work to build resilience. The ARISE-US equity committee is grateful for members' partnership in this important work.
For more information, please see the Bill Anderson Fund site: https://www.disasterdash.org/